<script type="text/javascript">
//functions starts for the disable selection
function disableSelection(target){
if (typeof target.onselectstart!="undefined") //IE route
target.onselectstart=function(){return false}
else if (typeof target.style.MozUserSelect!="undefined") //Firefox route
else //All other route (ie: Opera)
target.onmousedown=function(){return false}
target.style.cursor = "default"
<script type="text/javascript">
function md(e)
try { if (event.button==2||event.button==3) return false; }
catch (e) { if (e.which == 3) return false; }
document.oncontextmenu = function() { return false; }
document.ondragstart = function() { return false; }
document.onmousedown = md;
//functions ends for the disable selection
//functions starts for the disable selection
function disableSelection(target){
if (typeof target.onselectstart!="undefined") //IE route
target.onselectstart=function(){return false}
else if (typeof target.style.MozUserSelect!="undefined") //Firefox route
else //All other route (ie: Opera)
target.onmousedown=function(){return false}
target.style.cursor = "default"
<script type="text/javascript">
function md(e)
try { if (event.button==2||event.button==3) return false; }
catch (e) { if (e.which == 3) return false; }
document.oncontextmenu = function() { return false; }
document.ondragstart = function() { return false; }
document.onmousedown = md;
//functions ends for the disable selection