About Me

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Hey there, lovely people! I'm Hemant Menaria, and I'm passionate about programming. Having completed my MCA in 2011, I've delved into the world of coding with fervor. I believe in sharing knowledge, making complex concepts easy to grasp for everyone. JAVA, PHP, and ANDROID hold a special place in my heart, and I spend most of my time immersed in them. Currently, I'm deeply engaged in API/Webservice frameworks and crafting Hybrid mobile applications to enhance flexibility in the digital realm. If you ever find yourself stuck with a programming challenge, feel free to reach out to me at +91-8955499900 or drop me a line at hemantmenaria008@gmail.com. I'm always eager to help fellow enthusiasts navigate the intricacies of coding!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

X-Frame-Options Header Not Set 'ClickJacking' attacks

X-Frame-Options header is included in the HTTP response to protect against 'ClickJacking' attacks.

The X-Frame-Options header is used to indicate whether or not a website/browser should be allowed to open a page in frame or iframe.This will prevent website content embedded into other websites.
It protect against 'ClickJacking' attacks.
There are three options for X-Frame-Options: 

  • SAMEORIGIN: This option will allow page to be displayed in frame on the same origin, means you can render the same website page into iframe/frame. 
  •  DENY: This option will prevent a page displaying in a frame or iframe, means no one website can render website page in frame/iframe.  
  • ALLOW-FROM uri: This Option will allow page to be displayed only on the specified origin.if you want to allow render the page of website for a particular website then you can use this option.


IN HTML Page:- Type below code in head section:

       http-equiv="X-FRAME-OPTIONS" content="DENY">
IN PHP Page:- 

You can use any web developer tool to view Response headers and ensure you see


Configuring Apache HOw to Check X-Frame-Option of a web page:
To configure Apache to send the X-Frame-Options for all pages, add below setting to your site as required:

  • Header always append X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN 
  • Header set X-Frame-Options DENY 
  • Header set X-Frame-Options "ALLOW-FROM https://example.com/"  

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Cpanel Cron job for mysql datbase backup

Cron Job: Cron Job is a time base task which will execute on a fixed time or interval (repeat after a time).

How to create a cron job in cpanel to take database backup. 

Now Follow the Steps:

Step 1- First of all Create a file on your computer system and paste below code into file 

user = yourCpanelUserName
password = "yourCpanelPassword"
host = localhost

save above file with .my.cnf and upload it to your server directory (like /home/Your_Domain_Directory/)

 Step 2- Create a folder for backup with name of  db_backup on server at same place ( /home/Your_Domain_Directory/)

Step 3- 
1 -Go to Cpanel main page
2- Click on Cron Job
3- Enter email for notification regarding cron job.
4- Select Job Setting  means frequency of your task /job execution.
5- Paste below line in command text box:

mysqldump --all-databases  > /home/Your_Domain_Directory/db_backup/All_DB_Backup_$(date +'\%d-\%m-\%Y').sql

The above code will generate backup for your all databases in /home/Your_Domain_Directory/db_backup directory with the name of "All_DB_Backup_TodayDate".  so if you set daily backup policy then it will create a backup file with current date without overriding the same file.

if you want to take backup of a particular database then at the place of --all-database you can write the name of the particular database.

Step 4 - Finally click on Add Crone Job button to save it.

Step 5 - Go to the folder /home/Your_Domain_Directory/db_backup  to check your datbase backup.